Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Wedge gate valves with retractable spindle L13199 DN 150-300 and L13198 DN 50-100 are designed for installation as shut-off devices on pipelines.

Gate valves U1850X DN 200-1200 are designed for aboveground and underground installation as a shut-off device on main oil product pipelines, in technological schemes of pumping stations and tank farms.

The A16005 DN 150 parallel two-disc double valve is designed to seal the suit of the RZM-488 unloading and loading machine.

The bellows wedge valve U13516 DN 300 is designed for installation in the second circuit systems of power units with a BN-800 reactor.

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All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant : shut-off valves, check valves, bottom valves, pressure regulators, ball valves, disc valves, gate valves
  • Shut-off valves
    Shut-off valves
    DN from 10 to 200
  • Gate valves
    Gate valves
    DN from 50 to 1200
  • Ball valves
    Ball valves
    DN from 10 to 125
  • Reverse and disc valves
    Reverse and disc valves
    DN from 50 to 1600
  • Pressure regulators
    Pressure regulators
    DN from 25 to 50
  • Safety valves
    Safety valves
    DN from 25 to 200
  • Check valves
    Check valves
    DN from 25 to 50


The company specializes in the design, standardization and production of pipe fittings for various industries, including nuclear power, shipbuilding, oil and gas industry, chemical industry.
  • production

    The company produces and supplies pipe fittings made of various steels and non-ferrous metals with a wide range of nominal diameters, pressures, temperatures and working media.

    Pipeline fittings are developed and mastered for mass production and on an individual order for the needs of a particular enterprise or industry as a whole.
  • application

    The company's products are used in such industries as nuclear power, shipbuilding, oil and gas production, oil and gas transportation, chemical industry, thermal power engineering, etc.

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  • Product order form из каталога
    Product order form


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